Buffalo Red
If you would like to order an item to be made in Buffalo Red, please follow these steps.
1. Indicate your desired product (example: No. 4313 Minimalist Satchel).
2. Note that you are interested in this product being made in Buffalo Red.
3. Email info@colsenkeane.com with the specifications above.
4. You will be sent a payable invoice for your desired selections.
5. Once paid, we will make your item to order and ship it to you within 14-21 business days.
OR call us at 704.274.1152 and we can take your order and payment over the phone.
Buffalo Red
If you would like to order an item to be made in Buffalo Red, please follow these steps.
1. Indicate your desired product (example: No. 4313 Minimalist Satchel).
2. Note that you are interested in this product being made in Buffalo Red.
3. Email info@colsenkeane.com with the specifications above.
4. You will be sent a payable invoice for your desired selections.
5. Once paid, we will make your item to order and ship it to you within 14-21 business days.
OR call us at 704.274.1152 and we can take your order and payment over the phone.
Buffalo Red
If you would like to order an item to be made in Buffalo Red, please follow these steps.
1. Indicate your desired product (example: No. 4313 Minimalist Satchel).
2. Note that you are interested in this product being made in Buffalo Red.
3. Email info@colsenkeane.com with the specifications above.
4. You will be sent a payable invoice for your desired selections.
5. Once paid, we will make your item to order and ship it to you within 14-21 business days.
OR call us at 704.274.1152 and we can take your order and payment over the phone.